AWS S3 Storage

This section described how to interact with amazon cloud simple remote storage (S3). In order to interact with the S3 resource we use the boto3 SDK.

This is a work in progress and we would really like feedback for extra features or if there are any bugs then please report them as issues on github.

Setting up credentials

In order to use the AWS remote feature you will need to configure your credentials (The access key and secret key). You can set up these credentials by adding the keys as environment variables in a file ~/.aws/credentials as detailed in the boto3 configuration page. In brief you will need to add the keys as follows:

aws_access_key_id = YOUR_ACCESS_KEY
aws_secret_access_key = YOUR_SECRET_KEY

These access keys can be found within your S3 AWS console and you can access them by following these steps: * Log in to your AWS Management Console. * Click on your user name at the top right of the page. * Click My Security Credentials. * Click Users in left hand menu and select a user. * Click the Security credentials tab. * YOUR_ACCESS_KEY is located in the Access key section

If you have lost YOUR_SECRET_KEY then you will need to Create a new access key, please see AWS documentation on how to do this. Please not that every 90 days AWS will rotate your access keys.

In additon, you may also want to configure the default region:


Once configuration variables have been created then you are ready to interact with the S3 storage.

Download from AWS S3

Using remote files with AWS can be acieved easily by using download, upload and delete_file functions that are written into a RemoteClass.

Firstly you will need to initiate the class as follows:

from import *
S3 = S3RemoteObject()

In order to download a file and use it within the decorator you can follows the example:

@transform('aws-test-boto',"pipeline.yml", "./pipeline.yml"),

This will download the file pipeline.yml in the AWS bucket aws-test-boto locally to ./pipeline.yml and it will be picked up by the decoratory function as normal.

Upload to AWS S3

In order to upload files to aws S3 you simply need to run:

S3.upload('aws-test-boto',"pipeline2.yml", "./pipeline.yml")

This will upload to the aws-test-boto S3 bucket the ./pipeline.yml file and it will be saved as pipeline2.yml in that bucket.

Delete file from AWS S3

In order to delete a file from the AWS S3 bucket then you simply run:


This will delete the pipeline2.yml file from the aws-test-boto bucket.

Functional example

As a simple example, the following one function pipeline demonstrates the way you can interact with AWS S3:

from ruffus import *
import sys
import os
import cgatcore.experiment as E
from cgatcore import pipeline as P
from import *

# load options from the config file
PARAMS = P.get_parameters(
    ["%s/pipeline.yml" % os.path.splitext(__file__)[0],

S3 = S3RemoteObject()

@transform('aws-test-boto',"pipeline.yml", "./pipeline.yml"),
def countWords(infile, outfile):
    '''count the number of words in the pipeline configuration files.'''

    # Upload file to S3
    S3.upload('aws-test-boto',"pipeline2.yml", "/ifs/projects/adam/test_remote/data/pipeline.yml")

    # the command line statement we want to execute
    statement = '''awk 'BEGIN { printf("word\\tfreq\\n"); }
    {for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) freq[$i]++}
    END { for (word in freq) printf "%%s\\t%%d\\n", word, freq[word] }'
    < %(infile)s > %(outfile)s'''

      # Delete file from S3

      def full():