Running a pipeline - Tutorial

Before beginning this tutorial make sure you have the CGAT-core installed correctly, please see here (see Installation) for installation instructions.

As a tutorial example of how to run a CGAT workflow we will run the cgat-showcase pipeline. Therefore, you will also need to install the cgat-showcase (see instructions)

The aim of this pipeline is to perform pseaudoalignment using kallisto. The pipeline can be ran locally or dirtributed accross a cluster. This tutorial will explain the steps required to run this pipeline. Further documentation on cgat-showcase can be found here.

The cgat-showcase highlights some of the functionality of cgat-core. However, we also have our utility pipelines contained in the cgat-flow repository which demonstrate our advanced pipelines for next-generation sequencing analysis (see cgat-flow).

Tutorial start

1. First download the tutorial data:

mkdir showcase
cd showcase
tar -zxvf showcase_test_data.tar.gz

2. Next we will generate a configuration yml file so the pipeline output can be modified:

cd showcase_test_data
cgatshowcase transdiffexpres config

or you can alternatively call the workflow file directly:

python /path/to/file/ config

This will generate a pipeline.yml file containing the configuration parameters than can be used to modify the output of the pipleine. However, for this tutorial you do not need to modify the parameters to run the pipeline. In the modify_config section below I have detailed how you can modify the config file to change the output of the pipeline.

3. Next we will run the pipleine:

cgatshowcase transdiffexpres make full -v5 --no-cluster

This --no-cluster will run the pipeline locally if you do not have access to a cluster. Alternatively if you have a cluster remove the --no-cluster option and the pipleine will distribute your jobs accross the cluster.


There are many commandline options available to run the pipeline. To see available options please run cgatshowcase --help.

4. Generate a report

The final step is to generate a report to display the output of the pipeline. We have a preference for using MultiQC for generate bioinformatics tools (such as mappers and pseudoaligners) and Rmarkdown for generating custom reports. In order to generate these run the command:

cgatshowcase transdiffexprs make build_report -v 5 --no-cluster

This will generate a MultiQC report in the folder MultiQC_report.dir/ and an Rmarkdown report in R_report.dir/.

This completes the tutorial for running the transdiffexprs pipeline for cgat-showcase, hope you find it as useful as we do for writing workflows within python.