Microsoft Azure Storage

This section describes how to interact with Microsoft Azure cloud storage. In order to interact with the Azure cloud storage resource we use the azure SDK.

Like all of our remote connection functionality, this is a work in progress and we are currently in the process of adding extra features. If you have bug reports or comments then please raise them as an issue on github

Setting up credentials

Unlike other remote access providers, the credentials are set up by passing them directly into the initial class as variables as follows:

Azure = AzureRemoteObject(account_name = "firstaccount", account_key = "jbiuebcjubncjklncjkln........")

These access keys can be found in the Azure portal and locating the storage account. In the settings of the storage account there is a selection “Access keys”. The account name and access keys are listed here.

Download from Azure

Using remote files with Azure can be achieved easily by using download, upload and delete_file functions that are written into a RemoteClass.

Firstly you will need to initiate the class as follows:

from import *
Azure = AzureRemoteObject(account_name = "firstaccount", account_key = "jbiuebcjubncjklncjkln........")

In order to download a file and use it within the decorator you can follows the example:

@transform('test-azure',"pipeline.yml", "./pipeline.yml"),

This will download the file pipeline.yml in the Azure container test-azure locally to ./pipeline.yml and it will be picked up by the decoratory function as normal.

Upload to Azure

In order to upload files to Azure you simply need to run:

Azure.upload('test-azure',"pipeline2.yml", "./pipeline.yml")

This will upload to the test-azure Azure container the ./pipeline.yml file and it will be saved as pipeline2.yml in that bucket.

Delete file from Azure

In order to delete a file from the Azure container then you simply run:


This will delete the pipeline2.yml file from the test-azure container.

Functional example

As a simple example, the following one function pipeline demonstrates the way you can interact with AWS S3:

from ruffus import *
import sys
import os
import cgatcore.experiment as E
from cgatcore import pipeline as P
from import *

# load options from the config file
PARAMS = P.get_parameters(
    ["%s/pipeline.yml" % os.path.splitext(__file__)[0],

Azure = AzureRemoteObject(account_name = "firstaccount", account_key = "jbiuebcjubncjklncjkln........")

@transform('test-azure',"pipeline.yml", "./pipeline.yml"),
def countWords(infile, outfile):
    '''count the number of words in the pipeline configuration files.'''

    # Upload file to Azure
    Azure.upload('test-azure',"pipeline2.yml", "/ifs/projects/adam/test_remote/data/pipeline.yml")

    # the command line statement we want to execute
    statement = '''awk 'BEGIN { printf("word\\tfreq\\n"); }
    {for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) freq[$i]++}
    END { for (word in freq) printf "%%s\\t%%d\\n", word, freq[word] }'
    < %(infile)s > %(outfile)s'''

      # Delete file from Azure

      def full():